The FRIDGE partnership seeks to improve relevant operational programmes and regional policies to support the food and drink sector SMEs keep their position in the world market by interregional policy learning, promotion of good practices and leveraging interregional experience exchange.
Three thematic topics
Improved productivity
Improved market reach
Capacity building
Priority objective: SME competitiveness
Budget: EUR 1.00 million ERDF
Timescale: AUG 2019 - JUL 2023
Lead partner:
! Tolna County Development Agency
Nonprofit Public Benefit Ltd., HU
! Harghita County Council, RO
! KErn - Competence Center for Nutrition, DE
! Reginal Council of South Ostrobothnia, FI
! University of Western Macedonia, GR
! Economic Council of East-Flanders, BE

During three years of active work and collaboration, many things have been achieved in the project. The partners have gained a better understanding of the state of the Food Industry SMEs in their regions via three (3) thematic studies and two (2) speciality group studies. In addition, our partners have identified altogether nineteen (19) Good Practices that offer solutions for improving the competitiveness of Food Industry SMEs.
Transfer of knowledge and lessons learned have been achieved via eight (8) interregional learning events and over thirty local learning events. In the end, all six partners have created their Regional Action Plans that include new development activities based on the lesson learned from the project and lead to improved regional policies.
3 Thematic Studies carried out in each region
Analysis of Regional Food Sectors
Policy Assessment of Regional Policies and Support System
SME Survey on Productivity and Market Innovation
2 Speciality Group Studies for each region
SG1: Market Reach
SG2: Productivity
19 Good Practices
8 Interregional Learning Events
Over 30 Local Learning Events
6 Action Plans leading to policy change